Sunday, May 23, 2010

Time gone by...

I'm sure you all got a kick of Mitch's last post. When I tell anyone the story, they all look at me like, 'well duh, of course it was fake' but I fell for it, it seemed real to me.

School is coming along for me, and I'm more then one third of the way done! Woot woot on being over 400 hours!!! Summer has always gone by really fast for me, and hopefully this one will as well. Right now I'm schedualed to graduate September 25th :) When is Mitch schedualed to graduate? Don't ask... so depressing... years and years. The people I meet at school are so so diverse and I'm blessed to have the opportunity to get to know them. Life long friends and clients that teach me more about myself then I ever could. You'll be interested to all know that I hold the high score for Horror story clients. yes... some days it's very hard. Luckily Mitch is there to catch me and take me to Cafe Rio for some rehab.

Most of our wedding plans are set, we still haven't done engagements, but it's my fault, I have been very indesisive. Anything else? Oh yes! There might be an addition to our small little family when we move to Logan. :) Mitch is making me wait till we get our own place, which I think is very level-headed of him.